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Wednesday 7th August – 11w
So I am 11 weeks pregnant today! I can’t believe how quickly it’s going either. But I have had an awful lot going on since we got our BFP, so maybe that’s why, I just haven’t had the time to think too much about it. Which is a good thing, as I was determined to worry myself about it! 

I got weighed today, and I’ve only gained 1lb so far – by this point in my pregnancy with little man, I had already gained around 5lbs. I’m determined not to gain as much as I did with him, as I never lost it all before falling pregnant again. Very proud of myself so far. 

Thursday 8th August – 11w 1d
After losing MiL last week, we lost my Grandad today. Devastated. Number 1, to even lose my Grandad, and number 2, that this is happening all over again so soon. My hormones just cannot take it at the minute. I cannot stop crying tears. I cannot stop the heartache. Hormones in overdrive, equals a very emotional pregnant Stacey. 

Also because of all of this, I am just drained, exhausted, I can’t function. I felt really ill this morning and was counting the hours until hubby came home from work. I’m just not a very good Mummy to little man lately, and I feel awful, he deserves better. 

Friday 9th August – 11w 2d
Felt shattered all day again today. I’m so snappy, tearful, and feel like I’m going to have a huge breakdown at any point. I just don’t see the point. Until I look at my gorgeous boy and think about little berry. 

I had my first midwife visit (other than my booking appointment) today too. It was mainly to take some more bloods after my last ones.I told the midwife it was to check my iron stores, and she said yes, I was looking a little pale actually! I can tell this pregnancy isn’t going to be a smooth one… Whilst I was there she also did a quick MOT on me. My blood pressure was fine, she sent my urine sample off though as I never did one at my booking. 

Saturday 10th August – 11w 3d
I had a good sleep last night, and feel SO much better than I have the last few days! I think having a good cry yesterday might have played a part. I think I just need to keep busy to be honest, to take my mind off things. Luckily I have a few things going on over the next few days. Today we were at a BBQ party, tomorrow we’re going to FiL’s, Monday we’re going swimming and a picnic (depending on the weather forecast!) with friends, and Tuesday I’m going to an Usbourne book party. I’ve been having a peek on the website already! 

Sunday 11th August – 11w 4d
I was absolutely shattered after yesterday’s fun and I was in bed earlier than little man last night – how he was still awake and running about when we got home last night, I do not know! 

I didn’t go to FiL’s in the end, I stayed at home whilst little man went with Daddy – I was glad of the rest to be honest! 

Monday 12th August – 11w 5d
Up early this morning to go swimming! I must have had another good sleep as I was up way earlier than the two men, I even had to wake the little man up to have his milk before we left! I haven’t been swimming in years – maybe because I can’t actually swim – but I actually enjoyed myself, was good to take my mind off things. It tired me out though and I was all ready for a sleep when we left! 

At week 11, berry is the size of a fig.
The head accounts for about one-third to half of the body’s length. 
The ears are moving to the final position on the side of the head.
The irises are developing, revealing the eye colour. 
The fingers & toes are separating.
The placenta is developing rapidly.
The organs are almost formed.
Berry is already busy kicking and stretching!

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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