Mummy guilt is something that I think most of us probably suffer from for one reason or another. I know I have, with both of my boys, throughout the last couple of years (and many more to come, I’m sure!).

One of the first times I suffered – badly – was with my breastfeeding guilt after I “failed” with J. This partly led to my suffering from postnatal depression. Breastfeeding guilt is a horrible thing to feel, as everywhere you look you are reminded of how you couldn’t/didn’t provide the best for your baby. I felt like I was being judged by everyone – the PND made this 100x worse.

Even if you make the correct decision, it still creeps in. With J I now know I didn’t make that best decision, which is why I was more determined this time. This time I have suffered, but not nearly as much as I did with J, because this time I know I tried the hardest that I could. This time I feel more envy than guilt, which I will write about later.

Giving birth to N and these few first months, I have felt so much love for him and just wanted to be with him all the time, and he still hasn’t had a night away from me like J did. I haven’t written this before, so I am opening up a little more now, but with J – due to the PND – I didn’t feel that, and now I feel so guilty for him because he missed out on so much of my love, affection & attention.

At every opportunity offered, I would just ‘palm’ him off on someone else. He didn’t deserve that. He was just an innocent child who just wanted, needed, to be unconditionally loved. Deep down, I did love him, but it just wasn’t there, on the surface. And now I’m feeling almighty guilt.

Now I obviously have to split my attention between the two, and it’s only just in the last year or so that J has gotten my attention all to himself, and for that I feel guilty as my full attention has disappeared for him again. N will know no different, as he will from the beginning of his life, have had to share it. Don’t get me wrong, I do have one-on-one time with J now, he needs it. He has always been a child that needs lots of attention, and I often wonder if that’s because I didn’t give it to him for his first few months.

But they will never know my guilt unless they choose to read my blog one day. The joy of innocence. I hope they both grow up knowing I have always loved them, and always will. That it’s those evil hormones of depression that have made me feel this way, and not them.

They are both innocent.

I am guilty.

Where in your motherhood journey have you experienced Mummy guilt?


I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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  1. In my case right from conception. I felt my weight meant I shouldn't have a baby. And then it all got worse. When I had Joseph at 27 weeks I completely blamed myself and felt utter guilt. I felt guilt at resenting NICU. I just wanted to be "normal". It all started getting better when I realised all mothers, and all premmie mums feel immense guilt, and I started being kinder to myself. It still rears it's head from time to time.

    1. Hugs, lovely x

  2. Its good that you recognise this Stacey. Its the taboo about giving birth and should be spoken about more.I think more Mums would admit to feeling this way if we did! Personally its sometimes taken me longer to fall in love with some of my newborns and I don't think its made any difference to who they are now Don't worry…we all get an honorary degree in guilt pretty much as soon as we know we are pregnant!

    1. Yes I think you're right!

  3. Jenna @ Transforming Into Butterflies

    Thank you for sharing this. I think all mums hav me guilt.. I know I do. Guilt about his birth, guilt about pnd, guilt about wanting to have another baby, guilt about not worrying about having a clean house when i could have been holding him more. Its hard isnt it to have guilt, but normal 🙂

  4. Yes I think we feel guilty about pretty much anything!

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