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Wednesday 21st August – 13w
Hello second trimester! I never thought I’d get this far after my last pregnancy, so I’m feeling a bit of relief now, and can start to relax a bit more. 

Started baking for my fundraiser today and it has tired me out so much! Reminds me why I didn’t do a lot when pregnant with little man either…

Thursday 22nd August – 13w 1d
Had a rather emotional day today as it was my Grandad’s funeral. So I am emotionally tired tonight. 

I also had an interesting dream last night about berry’s gender! I wonder if it will come true? It did with little man. Obviously I’m not going to give you all the details though as it would spoil the surprise if it is true… I’m getting roughly the same amount of boy/girl predictions at the minute though. 

Friday 23rd August – 13w 2d
Absolutely shattered today after lots of preparation for my fundraiser tomorrow. Couple that with chasing after a nosy hyperactive toddler too and I’m about ready to drop. I’ve had awful shooting pains in my stomach too which reminded me I needed to have a rest to take care of berry (and myself of course). 

Saturday 24th August – 13w 3d
More tired than I have been in a while, tonight! My fundraiser went well though, so it’s all for a good cause! (Obviously berry is a good cause too, you know what I mean though!) 
Monday 26th August – 13w 5d
I was in bed before little man last night, I went at 9pm and apparently he fell asleep at 10. All in all I had 11 hours sleep, and I can tell you that I needed it! It’s been all go again today though preparing for MiL’s funeral tomorrow. 

Tuesday 27th August – 13w 6d
What another emotionally challenging day after MiL’s funeral. It was a lovely send off though, and also before it, I felt the first flutters from berry. Reminded me just how amazing the little life growing inside of me is. And yes, you guessed it, I am very tired yet again…

Berry is the size of a tangerine.
The vital systems are all fully developed.
The body is starting to catch up with the oversized head!
Fingerprints have formed.
The intestines, liver and pancreas are starting to work.
All 20 teeth have now formed and are hiding under the gums.
Berry can smile!

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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