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So, I have only been blogging since the beginning of this year, but I have been a follower/reader of a very close friends blog since last year. This is where I came across a post about World Prematurity Day, which is on the 17th November this year.

There is going to be a blogging & Twitter event led by March of Dimes, and I feel proud to be a part of it. All this involves is blogging and tweeting about preemies on the day. It would be fabulous if any of my followers/tweeters/bloggers would join in, the more, the better, to raise awareness of such an important subject. 

You need not have had personal experience of having a premature baby, I haven’t. With 1 in 9 babies born premature each year in the UK, you are bound to know one; I do. You could post about someone you know who’s had a premature baby, someone you know who was a premature baby themselves, an article you’ve read, a programme you’ve seen on TV, you could even post a photo, a poem, get your children involved or even do a vlog. 

If you don’t blog but would like to get involved, I’d be happy to have guest posts on my blog; it could be a great opportunity to share your child’s story. It would be fabulous to get as many people involved as possible. 

So why not comment below and pledge to blog/tweet etc. about preemies on the 17th November!

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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1 Comment

  1. I hadn't really made it public knowledge on fb but my baby b was born at 36wks and classed as pre term. Due 2how my fast my labour went and her early arrival our wee baby was in shock so she spent 1week in neonatal being cared for along with other pre term babies by the amazing staff. I never knew anyone who had a baby early or anyone that didn't get out of hospital with their baby the day after giving birth. I was discharged after 3 nights but spent every waking hour with Beth surrounded by strong babies fighting against the odds. I remember chatting 2 a mum who's baby was in Beths ward about how it felt seeing r babies being tube fed, helped 2breathe and assisted in many ways. We both kept mentioning statistics that we had heard about pre term babies and I couldn't help but think who cares about stats when my baby is that 1 in whatever many. I knew Beth would b fine long term but my heart still broke for her but also the guilt I felt was unreal. For B we needed her 2 feed without tubes and maintain her blood sugar level for 48hrs before the doc would consider discharging her. I felt guilt for feeling happy that getting r baby home was so close but we were surrounded babis desperately struggling 2 breathe while their parents struggled 2 watch another baby preparing 2 b healthy enough 2 leave. I admire all the staff and parents I met in my time with Beth in special care and often think of those wee babies in the ward now with parents feeling the pain of watching their precious baby fight for life, not seeing the end and living their lives in the hospital.

    I never knew of this day and I am so glad I do now.


    paura w

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