A feast fit for a Paw Patrol party

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Party planning is one of my favourite things to do, so when I don’t have anything to plan, I feel a bit lost. I find one of the best parts is planning the food; I like to match the food to the party theme, and the first place I head to is Pinterest! There were so many brilliant ideas for Paw Patrol party food that I ended up using, but I came up with a few of my own too. I made the food labels myself using PicMonkey and then it just took a bit of time to assemble them. I always get so many compliments on the detail I put it in though, so it’s worth all of the time I spend doing it.

Have a scroll to see what the party pups got to tuck into, and hopefully it gives you some ideas if you are planning your very own Paw Patrol party!

Pup party food

Captain Turbot's tuna pasta
Captain Turbot’s tuna pasta
– pasta, tuna, sweetcorn, spring onion, and mayo
Chickaletta dippers
Chickaletta dippers
– chicken dippers
Cocktail woofages
Cocktail woofages
– cocktail sausages
Farmer Yumi's veg
Farmer Yumi’s veg
– carrot and cucumber sticks



Fruit kibble
Fruit kibble
– a mix of blueberries, raspberries, grapes, mango, and satsuma

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Mr Paw-ter's cupcakes
Mr Paw-ter’s cupcakes
– a basic chocolate cupcake with marshmallow paw prints
Pawtato chips. Fetch sticks
Pawtato chips
– Tesco potato chips
Fetch sticks
– cheese straws
Pawty rings
Pawty rings
– party rings
– ham & cheese sandwiches cut into paw shapes with a cutter from eBay
– toffee popcorn

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Pupperoni pizza
Pupperoni pizza
– pepperoni pizza
Pups in a blanket
Pups in a blanket
– sausage rolls
Rice crispie bones
Rice crispie bones
– Nigella’s marshmallow crispy squares https://www.nigella.com/recipes/marshmallow-crispy-squares cut into bone shapes with a cutter from eBay
Water bowls
Water bowls
– blue Hartley’s glitter jelly

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Check out Events Paparazzi for more ideas on planning an awesome party!

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Great feast. Mine would love the paw-wiches and bone shaped rice crispie cakes.

    1. They went down really well – a bit of a pain to cut out with a cutter though because they were all sticky! Lol

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