weekly weigh in

After my weigh in last week and the gain I had, I was very much determined to have a decent loss this week as I was so annoyed that I still hadn’t lost my Christmas weight and felt like I was going backward. This week was the first in goodness knows how long – probably since last year – that I have been on plan AND within my syns for the whole week.

I am quite naughty though and regularly weigh myself at home to see how I am doing, and my scales weren’t showing much of a loss, if any – though I do know mine are out from the ones at group, by around 3lb it seems! So I only use it as a rough guide really to see if I am heading in the right direction. I did still feel pretty confident this week though, and was really hoping for that 1.5lb to be back at my pre Christmas weight.

But before that, some meals from Instagram:

So as I said above, I went to group feeling pretty confident about this week, yet still quite nervous as I so desperately wanted to be completely rid of that excess Christmas weight! I nervously stepped on the scales, and was shocked to see a 2.5lb loss! This means my Christmas weight is gone, plus an extra pound, making me the lowest weight since I started Slimming World (and in years, generally!). Now it’s just that road to target…

weigh in

My stats for this week (week 53)

  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lb
  • previous weight – 10st 3.5lb
  • current weight – 10st 1lb
  • loss this week – 2.5lb
  • loss so far – 3st 3.5lb
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lb
  • final target weight – 9st 7lb

How are you doing?



I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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1 Comment

  1. Awesome news, well done you!
    It frustrates me so much how easy it is to put on weight and yet how difficult it is to get it off. Life is cruel!
    Good luck with the road to your target weight now!

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