
Slimming World weigh in #35 – the one where my butt gets kicked

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You may I have noticed I have been absent from blog weigh ins again for the last few weeks. There are reasons for this which I will update on in another blog post soon, but now I am finally getting back into the swing of things – blog wise anyway – I thought I better post my latest one!

The last few weeks have been difficult in all honesty, with some big life changes happening and I have not been totally on plan. We’ve had meals out, takeaways, and I’ve been snacking on biscuits and chocolates. I have really tried to keep on plan everywhere else though as I didn’t want to throw all of my hard work away. I had become comfortable in this new eating routine though and after this latest weigh in I knew I just needed a big kick up the butt to get right on back on it; I think I had just lost motivation a bit.

I don’t have many on plan food photos since my last update but here are some of them:

Since that last update I have only lost 1lb as I have maintained for the last two weeks. That is 1lb in 4 or 5 weeks. I know I can do so much more than that, and I want that target by Christmas! I have also put that up by 1lb, so it is dead on 9 and a half stone now, though I may change it again once I get there; I’m just going to see how I feel. Since weigh in – other than my birthday Chinese takeaway afterwards (yes I still went to weigh in on my birthday evening!) – I have been 100% back on plan, and I’m going to try my damn hardest to keep to it now!

Here’s hoping for a much needed loss next week! (Though there’s one positive, at least I know I will probably be able to maintain once I get to target!).

My stats for (week 33):
  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lb
  • previous weight – 10st 12lb
  • current weight – 10st 11lb
  • loss this week – 1lb 
  • loss so far – 2st 7.5lb
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lb – achieved 05/05/15!
  • final target weight – 9st 7lb

My stats for (week 34):
  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lb
  • previous weight – 10st 12lb
  • current weight – 10st 11lb
  • loss this week – 0lb = maintain
  • loss so far – 2st 7.5lb
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lb – achieved 05/05/15!
  • final target weight – 9st 7lb

My stats for this week (week 35):
  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lb
  • previous weight – 10st 12lb
  • current weight – 10st 11lb
  • loss this week – 0lb = maintain
  • loss so far – 2st 7.5lb
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lb – achieved 05/05/15!
  • final target weight – 9st 7lb

How are you guys getting on?

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Hope you manage to get back on plan and life eases up a bit for you. It's super hard to focus on weight loss and eating right when you've got lots of stuff going on. Good luck!

    1. Thank you. I can feel myself faltering again already though, argh!

  2. I stood on the scales last week to a pound gain even though I'd walked near enough 40 miles in a week. I figure it'll come off this week hopefully! I am really bad for snacking on biscuits and things like that, I should reach for the fruit but I don't and thats a problem. Thank you for linking up this weekend.

    1. Yes, I haven't bought any biccies for a couple of weeks now, everyone else will just have to go without because it's too tempting for me!

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