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Now I don’t know about you, but I only vaguely remember the last solar eclipse in 1999. I would have been twelve years old and science or solar eclipses weren’t on my mind at that time… I don’t even remember what I was doing at the exact time it happened, most likely at school?!

Anyway, I’m sure I’ll remember exactly what I was doing at the time of this one in 2015, as I was showing J the different ways of seeing it safely! I also had a go at explaining it to him, though in simple terms as he’s only three. He was mostly interested in batting at my pieces of card to annoy me, though he showed more interest when I projected the eclipse onto the bed.

I had spent some time before the event reading up on the different ways to see it safely. It looked like the most popular way was a pinhole projector so we started on this one, by poking a small hole into one piece of card and holding it between the sun and another piece of card (we stayed in to do this as I was waiting for a delivery). Luckily it was fairly clear for us here in North Lincolnshire so we got a great projection of it for the most part.

One of my arms started hurting from holding the card so we discovered we could project it onto Daddy’s arm too!

J started getting bored again and messing about a bit so we decided to get his hat a colander and use a colander projector to see lots of little eclipses! I loved this one, such a fun way to see it.

I was a bit naughty though and took a few photos with my phone and managed to get a couple of half decent shots as there was just the right amount of cloud.

We lasted a good hour or so watching the eclipse; I’m surprised it was that long to be honest as J usually has the shortest attention span ever!

Did you (safely) watch the eclipse with your children?

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. It was really cloudy here so we did not get a good view. We did just manage to glimpse it though the clouds when it was total

  2. What great fun! My two were at school but I was out for breakfast with friends and we saw it x

  3. It looks like you had great fun and managed to keep J entertained for a while. I love the idea of using a colander as the pinhole camera definitely a funky effect. Popping in from Magic Moments.

  4. Wow well done – blinked and missed it here lol #MagicMoments

  5. Well done for managing to get some good photos – love the colander one. I was hoping to do the same but it was so cloudy here that we didn't see it at all.

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