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Sunday 23rd June – 5w
Revealed to the world via little man. So many congratulations! I’m still obviously nervous & scared, but those feelings are getting easier to deal with. I have a few bump buddies too, some bloggers, some online forum buddies, and some real life friends.
Monday 24th June – 5w 1d
Had another weird pregnancy dream last night. To cut a long dream short, we had parrots who lived in our wardrobe and ate all my clothes. Yeah. They get weirder…
Tuesday 25th June – 5w 2d
I swear I’m doing this pregnancy backwards this time! The nesting urge seems to have come mega early, I can’t stop tidying and cleaning. I never even got the urge with little man!
Wednesday 26th June – 5w 3d
Made my booking appointment. It’s on the 18th July, so not that far away really. I’m quite nervous as it was only a couple of weeks after the last one when our nightmare began. I also had a mini breakdown today with lots of tears. I think it’s mainly the fact I’m scared, emotional, tired, and cutting my anti-depressants down so I’m overcome with all sorts of emotions. Including feeling a little ‘left out’ in the blogging world and debating not even going to BritMums Live next year even though I’ve already bought my ticket, as I don’t see the point. Hoping a good sleep will help me feel better tomorrow.
Thursday 27th June – 5w 4d
Feeling a little better today, a good sleep did help. Little man stayed over with the inlaws last night too, so having a bit of a chill day today. Well, mainly at the laptop sorting blogging things out but going to do a little housework too.
Friday 28th June – 5w 5d
Today has been a bit of a chilled day. It should have been our little angel’s due date today, so we had a little picnic and lit a candle. I didn’t think I would be pregnant again by now so it’s been kind of bittersweet.
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