You may be aware that over the last few months I have been sharing our bedwetting journey with you. Bedwetting affects 1 in 4 of four year olds and it …
An update and a ConfidentNites sleep retreat with DryNites #ad
I mentioned in my last DryNites ConfidentNites post that some of my fellow ambassadors and I were very lucky to be invited along to a sleep retreat at the amazing Alexander House Hotel & Utopia …
An introduction to DryNites ConfidentNites
I mentioned a few weeks ago how Jacob & I are DryNites® ConfidentNites ambassadors. He has been using the DryNites for a few weeks now and we have already seen …
I’m a DryNites ambassador!
It seems like we have been potty or toilet training on & off for the last couple of years now. It felt like we started quite early with Jacob and it was …