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Looking for tips to save money when moving home is within every homeowner’s priorities. It isn’t cheap to move home and more often than not, we will spend more money than necessary to get the jobs done with less stress. 

However, it is possible to move home with minimal stress and still save money. If you want to find out how then read this guide to find out more. 

two piles of money next two a small model of a wooden house; How To Save Money And Minimize Stress When Moving HomeSource – Pixabay

Shop around for help

When you require support services for moving (such as bin hire and removal vans) then make sure that you don’t pick the first company that you find. Shopping around will help you find the best price. 

For instance, spending your time to find a budget bin hire can help you move and bin your unused belongings with ease, and without spending too much money. You can minimise your expenses yet still get the job done. 

Book help in advance

Speaking of getting help with your move, you will want to consider booking the services in advance to attain the best prices. The longer you leave it, the more expensive the services will be. 

Hence, ensure to take your time to shop around way ahead of the move. This will help you to find the desired company and book it ahead of time to secure the best price. Plus, booking the service in advance will ensure that everything is good to go when the big day comes around, which will help to minimise the moving stress.

Think about what you really need to take

When you move, you will soon notice how much stuff you have accumulated over the years. Although you might want to take most of it with you, you might not ever use some things again. Hence, you could have a boot sale and sell on your old things to a better home. You can reduce what you need to pack and take with you while saving money by making money. 

It can be difficult to part with old things but it will help if you tackle one room at a time. If you start to sort through everything at once it will be overwhelming. Plus, you might not be as brutal as you need to be. 

Source free moving supplies

Moving supplies are one of those annoying necessities. You need boxes and tape to move but once you are in the new home, you won’t need them again. Hence, to reduce waste and minimise your spending, it can help to source free supplies. 

Many supermarkets will have empty boxes lying around. So, going to ask to take them is a good idea. You will attain free supplies and also minimise your stress as you will know where to look for them. 

Likewise, it can help to ask friends and family for help. They won’t ask for money and you can have extra pairs of hands to help you organise your stuff and pack. You can save money by asking loved ones for a little help when you move.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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