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Anyone who knows me will know that I am a bit comping mad – especially if you are my friend on Facebook! I tend to annoy with like & share competitions. But they’ve been told that if they don’t like it they know what to do! I always say it jokingly but I do mean it too… *LOL*

I first started comping in early 2010, and then seriously, back at the end of 2010 when a couple of my online friends were winning a lot, and I caught the bug, big time. My very first win was a goody bag of Barry M cosmetics, and even though it was only small, it spurred me on to keep going. It does get really addictive! Over the last couple of years I’ve totalled around £3,000 worth of wins – not as much as some more serious compers, but I’m very pleased with it! 

Here are just a tiny selection of my wins – 

  • My most expensive win – iPad2. Others of similar value are a posh hotel stay, £300 worth of vouchers, a years supply of salon hair products, a years supply of tea bags, an outfit worth £150 from the eBay outlet.
  • My least expensive win – I’ve had a few that are around the same, for example – a Smarties chicken & egg, a bottle of bubble bath, a bar of chocolate, a pack of bagels, a jar of curry sauce, a giant lollipop, a bag of nuts, a pack of chewy sweets! 
  • My most random win – a joke toilet roll! 
  • My favourite win – It’s so hard to choose but I think it will be the posh hotel stay we won in Windsor. It was whilst we were undergoing fertility treatment so it was just what we needed to take our minds off it, and we had a fantastic couple of days away. 
I’ve had many more which I would love to share with you, but there are just too many to list! But as you can see, you can win all kinds of goodies. It does take a lot of time & effort to accumulate lots of wins, but it is worth it. This year started off slow but it’s picking up a bit now.

I only won one item off my wishlist for last year (a baby walker for little man), so this year’s will be pretty much the same! Though I know some of them are very unlikely to happen, but a girl can dream, hey?! 

So my top 10 wishlist for this year (*not in any particular order) 

Car (for hubby of course!)
UK holiday (courtesy of a win for Wimdu acommodation vouchers)
Kitchenaid or Kenwood stand mixer
Cash (any amount)
Amazon/shopping vouchers (any amount)
Changing bag
Something activity wise for little man
A new bed/mattress

So using my prompts above, I’d love to know what you have won? And what’s on your wishlist for this year? 

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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1 Comment

  1. Nothing. Ever 🙁 you inspire me though, I won't quit

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