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So the following video has absolutely nothing to do with pregnancy, but like me, it says “Ohh We’re half way there, Woah Livin’ on a prayer”! And I thought I would give you something to listen to! 

Yep, that’s us, half way through the pregnancy already! Where has the time gone?! Before we know it Christmas will be out of the way and Baby G will soon be arriving! 

This week I think my bump has been slowly expanding, and my boobs, have had to buy more bras for the second time, have gone up two cup sizes now! Not that husband minds of course… Have also bought some nice snuggly jumpers for the winter, went maternity clothes shopping but there’s nothing that I really like in the shops around here! I will leave that there as I will write about clothes in a future post. 

At the beginning of the week I slipped in the bath, nothing major, I just hurt under my armpit where I caught it on the side of the bath, ouch. I’ve been ever so clumsy lately, in the past 2-3 weeks I have cut myself (with a bread knife!) finger is still healing, nearly there now), burned myself twice, fell up the stairs twice, and then the bath incident! As well as at about 7 weeks when I slipped on the kitchen floor but managed to catch myself before I fell completely! (Clumsy episodes since being pregnant #’s 1-7)

Have also had a couple of strange dreams this week! I think the rude ones that I’ve been told all about have started! On Thursday, I dreamed that Jenson Button (British Formula 1 driver who I’m known to have a soft spot for, *blush*) was fondling my boobs! Oh my word! And then on Friday night, I dreamed I was on the train to visit my dear friend Kylie of Not Even A Bag Of Sugar fame. She was cooking enchiladas ready for my arrival, only she had told me to pop to the shop and buy some nachos! Then the train went through a tunnel, and on the other side was some land that was like a cross between Labyrinth and Narnia, complete with Hoggle! Totally & utterly random!

What strange pregnancy dreams have you encountered?

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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