Our October favourites - a birthday, a book signing, and Halloween

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I really can’t believe it’s halfway through November already; it’ll be December before we know it! And then in the next monthly update I can mention the C word 😉 It seems ages since I wrote our September favourites. Before writing this post I was thinking that we didn’t really do much in October; but looking back through photos for our favourites, I realised we actually did have quite a busy month!

At the beginning of October it was my birthday, and I had a multi author signing that I attended the day after. Then at the end of the month it was half term and we were quite busy having lots of fun; including crafting, soft play, a train ride for a visit to COSMO, autumn walks, and dressing up!

So what were our favourites in October? Warning – This post is quite photo heavy!

My birthday

In the first week of the month it was my birthday, when I turned 29+2 years old. The Husband was at work and the boys were at school, so I went out with a friend for afternoon tea. What a lovely treat!

Birthday afternoon tea, afternoon tea, cake, scones, sandwiches, crisps

When everyone had finished for the day, we went out for dinner and then came home for cake.

Birthday tea, carvery, meat, vegetables

Birthday cake, cake, unicorn cake

When the boys had gone to bed, I finished packing for my weekend away and then it was chill time with a glass of celebratory wine. All in all it was a super relaxed birthday.

A Darker book signing

The day after my birthday it was The Darker Side Of Fiction multi author book signing. I’ve mentioned previously how I love these events. I was really giddy as it’s only once or twice a year when I get to meet these super awesome people who live in my phone and laptop!

Darker signing ready

After the signing was a darker themed ball but I didn’t take many photos, as I was too busy eating and dancing!

Darker signing booksMy book haul from the day…

Harvest festival

On the last day of term, Jacob had his harvest festival performance. Noah was at preschool all day this year so I got to watch the whole thing too, rather than having to take him out as he wouldn’t sit still like last year… J was really happy to see me and he was so cute to watch. He kept looking for me for reassurance, so I kept giving him a big thumbs up and a smile.


In October I ordered the boys a Toucan Box each. I didn’t tell them as they would have been nagging for it, so they were really excited when they got their boxes through the letterbox with their names on! This month it was a Halloween themed box, so they had fun making these jack-o-lanterns.

Halloween Toucan box, jack o lanterns

They also made these creepy critters from the October Mister Maker craft magazine.

Halloween crafting critters

I could probably add our pumpkin carving into this one too!


This year for Halloween, J wanted to be a ghost and N wanted to be a skeleton, so I picked up these bargain costumes from Poundworld.

Halloween dress up, ghost fancy dress, skeleton fancy dress, fancy dress, Halloween fancy dress

The weekend before Halloween, we had a visit to Silica Lodge Garden Centre for a ride on their spooky train.

Halloween Silica Lodge, grave stones

The boys went back to school on the 31st, so we didn’t go trick or treating but I made them a Halloween themed tea instead.

What did you enjoy during October?

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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