Why We Should All Be Spending More Time in our Gardens, flowers

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We all the know the benefits of being outside in the great outdoors, however we don’t often hear about the great benefits of spending more time in our gardens. Therefore, today we want to talk about the benefits of spending time in our gardens and the clever ways that we can do just that.

Gardening is a Great WorkOut

Much like housework, we can underestimate just what great exercise gardening is. Practically all the different muscle groups of the body are activated when you garden. Think of all the arm, shoulder and back toning happening when you are digging and raking, for example. As you move around your garden weeding, mowing your lawn, pruning your plants, you are working so many different muscles which can most certainly be considered a great workout whilst keeping your garden looking tiptop at the same time.

Working in Your Garden – Increased Productivity

As life becomes more and more demanding and commutes become more and more arduous, there is no wonder that we have been seeing a huge shift of people choosing to work from home. Whilst more people are choosing to work from home, more people are also deciding to work in their gardens. Putting up timber stables in gardens that function as the perfect home office is a wonderful way to create a homework space that offers total peace and tranquility for when you need to get into the work zone. They are easy to integrate into your garden and are also really easy to connect to your electricity source, so they can be the perfect home working space if you want to work surrounded by nature and total peace and quiet in order to be really focused and productive.

Alleviates Stress

We can all suffer from stress from time to time and we shouldn’t underestimate our gardens as a top place for us to seek a little solace and unwind and relax. Whether you take to your gardens to be sociable with friends, or to relax with a book, the outdoor spaces in our lives can certainly offer comfort and a place to de-stress. Gardening also is a great way to clear your mind of daily stresses and strains as you can concentrate on the tasks around your garden to disconnect from work and other sources of stress.

Family Bonding

Spending time together in your garden as a family, is a great way to enjoy quality time and bond as a family unit. As there are so many distractions within our homes, our gardens can be the perfect place to just sit together, talk, play and generally connect as a family.

A Creative Outlet

Gardening is also a great way to be flexing those creative muscles too. Planning and designing out your garden is a wonderfully freeing way of thinking creatively and carrying out and managing a really creative project. As your garden is your own you can really afford to go to town on anything that you think would really bring your garden to life to make it the perfect place for relaxing, working, playing and generally just enjoying the peace and quiet of being in nature.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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