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Both of the boys love noisy books – well they’re noisy themselves so of course they would! – though N doesn’t quite get the concept yet so just presses buttons randomly, whereas J likes to match the noisy buttons with the book now. The newest book we have reviewed though is slightly different, in that it makes a noise by itself when you lift the flap!
The only issue I found with this is that it was quite random when it made a noise; it didn’t seem to pick up that the flap had been lifted when the book was laid down, it had to be stood up for it to do so. It is also quite a heavy, thick book but obviously this is needed for the sound mechanism.
RRP: £9.99
Age: 3+

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the concept sounds great, I know us parents aren't so keen on noisy things but for kids it seems a great way to get them interested in the book. thanks for sharing with #readwithme
It does get really annoying when they keep opening the same page over and over again! But they seem to enjoy it lol