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As you might have read, I joined Slimming World last week. I was excited yet a little bit nervous as I’ve always weighed in the privacy of my own home before and had a quick hop on the scales during the week! I’m determined not to do that though as obviously our scales will be different. Also I’ve never really been on a plan before, just did my own thing with calorie counting.
When I started looking through my pack, I must admit I found it a little bit overwhelming and didn’t know where to start! I decided on writing a meal plan first whilst looking through my book to get used to it. With flicking back & forth it took me around two hours! Though I was surprised to see how much I could actually eat without ‘counting’ it.
I decided that it was too much of a pain in the bum to have to keep going back and checking my book so I did this:
I have three chalk ‘boards’ with the menu, to record my daily syns, and the syns of my favourite foods that aren’t free. Then I photocopied pages from my book – free foods, and Healthy Extra A & B choices. It’s been so much easier to keep on track and get those speed foods by just having a quick glance.
The week went really well. I stuck to plan pretty much 100% and although I did miss crisps and bread, I didn’t find it overly hard not to eat them. I’m so proud I managed to resist as these are usually my downfall (crisps for lunch or snack, and a sandwich for lunch and toast at night). I’ve really enjoyed trying new meals already and adapting old meals, and I’ve actually really enjoyed all the fruit I’ve been eating – I forgot how much I’d missed it all!
So, Tuesday was my first weigh in. I had to go by myself as my ‘buddy’ couldn’t make it. There weren’t many people there though but as I had ‘met’ them last week I felt more at ease. I would have been happy with a 2lb loss, even though I know lots of people get big losses their first week but as I have PCOS it’s a bit harder for me. I certainly felt better in myself though, and a lot less bloated. I stepped on the scales, and I had lost… 3.5lbs! Absolutely over the moon with that and it has made me even more determined to go for the same again next week to get my half stone award.
Oh, and I also won the raffle – I’d been wanting one of these so I was over the moon with that too!

My stats for this week (I still haven’t set a final target):

  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lbs
  • current weight – 13st 1lb
  • loss this week – 3.5lbs
  • loss so far – 3.5lbs
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lbs

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Well done! That's a great start. I'm a big fan of the Slimming World plan and have lost well on it myself in the past.

    1. Thank you! I was quite pessimistic before but it's changing my mind… 🙂

  2. Go you!! Massive loss for week one, you must be so stoked!! Keep up the great work!! x

    1. I was really stoked! thank you!

  3. Well done on your first week! Good luck for reaching your targets x

    1. Thank you 🙂

  4. Ooh the omelette maker looks great! Well done on your weight loss 🙂

    1. It's really fab!

  5. Fantastic weight loss – it just shows if you stick to a plan that suits you can achieve your goal

    1. Definitely – was always doubtful before but changing my mind now 🙂

  6. What a brilliant start-well done! I've heard great things about this, my friend is taking part in it and it really motivates her too. Good luck with achieving your goal 🙂

    1. Thank you 🙂

  7. Such a good idea to photocopy pages from the book and pin onto your cupboard doors

    1. It's helped me so much I think!

  8. Well done!!!! That is so awesome!

    1. Thanks! 😀

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