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Ten months old. My youngest baby will be turning one this year! In less than two months! (And then for another 18 days I will be a Mummy of two under three). He’ll not be a baby for much longer – heck, it feels like he’s outgrown the baby stage already, sometimes.

He hasn’t been weighed since the last time but I’m not too worried. He has his ‘health check’ soon anyway so we’ll find out soon anyway. I can’t imagine he will have gained an awful lot though as he never stops moving and is a proper speed crawler! He’s still on 3 x 6 oz bottles (sometimes less as he often doesn’t finish them). He’s still loving his food and there’s barely anything he doesn’t like. He is such a gannet though and practically has a panic attack if he doesn’t get his meals straight away! His favourite food at the minute seems to be blueberries, which is a lovely healthy choice.

His own little personality is just amazing (I know, I’m biased) and I just love seeing it developing every day. He won’t let me cut his nails though so I have no end of scratch marks from him! He loves to climb up me – I often have both the boys doing it though vying for my attention! He’s so cheeky – when J is on the step, N crawls there and sits and laughs at him as he thinks it’s a game, so J finds it funny and I have to battle through that too! He still has his diva ways. He screams the house down when he’s having his nappy changed and he can’t get away – I’m sure the neighbours must think he’s being murdered or something… And then after we’ve finished he crawls away laughing!

He has three teeth now! Though his lower right incisor still hasn’t come through, it’s his top left central incisor. They seem to be coming through quicker than J’s did so I’m hoping we’ll have that stage out of the way sooner!

He hasn’t taken any unaided steps yet, though he’s still cruising and will let go for a nanosecond before falling on his bottom. We’ve tried giving him his walker to use but he’s not really interested at the minute – he’s more interested in playing with the activity ‘table’ on the front of it. I’m not going to rush him though as I was desperate for J to walk as all of his peers were and he still didn’t until 15 months! I know he’ll do it when he’s good & ready – I think he’s quite happy with his speed crawling at the moment!

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I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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  1. What a cutie!

    Our youngest is nearly 11 months. It is a fun age!

    1. It definitely is!

  2. aww bless him, my little one is just behind at 9 months – she's a bit of a diva too! x

    1. I think it's an age thing as my eldest was too!

  3. What a gorgeous boy. Lovely photo. Time flies by so quickly though, doesn't it? I'm not sure I could cope with two under three, two under seven is enough for me 🙂

    1. I just about cope, ha! Definitely no more until they're both at full time school 😉

  4. Awww he is such a cutie! Both of my boys started walking between 14-16 months, they get there eventually. My daughter walked at 10 months!

    1. Lots of girls I know of started very early!

  5. Ahh this brought back memories, 🙂 I like the card saying 10 months old.

    1. They're great, wish I'd known about them with my eldest

  6. he is such a cute boy

  7. It is interesting to hear how he is doing as I forget what children do at that age and my niece will be 1 in April.

    1. Oh, how cute 🙂

  8. Aww such a cutie! Sounds like he's doing really well!

    1. Thank you 🙂

  9. What a gorgeous cheeky little chap 🙂 Enjoy these early years as much as you can, they don't last very long 🙁

    1. They certainly don't, can't believe my eldest is nearly 3 🙁

  10. Ah what a lovely update! I remember that panicking that the food was never going to get to them, and you're cooking as fast as you can but its just not fast enough!! What a cheeky chappy 🙂 x x

    1. Yep, my eldest was like that too lol! 🙂

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