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I think everybody around the world knows the importance of breakfast.
1.a meal eaten in the morning, the first of the day.“a breakfast of bacon and eggs”
Breakfast is in fact just that, breaking the fast of the night before. It helps us to get on with our day, gives us energy, helps us think. It is especially important in helping children to reach their full potential in every area of their life. Unfortunately not all children have this privilege.
That is why Send A Cow have launched a new free ebook called The Most Important Meals Of Their Lives, to help raise awareness of the importance of a nutritious breakfast in helping children in the poorest parts of Africa achieve their true potential.
What would have happened if Einstein hadn’t eaten his breakfast on the day he cracked the theory of relativity? Or if Edison didn’t have his breakfast on the day he had a light bulb moment (literally)? Would they have been to think as clearly? So, breakfast may be the most important, if not smallest, meal of the day, but it can arguably be said that it has also been one of the most important meals of all time for these great inventors.
Not only inventors, but this fantastic book also contains breakfasts of other greats from history.
How would you like to eat:
Ancient Egyptian bread like Cleopatra VII… |
…Or pound cake, tea, toast and cocoa like Jane Austen? |
Maybe Umphokoqo like Nelson Mandela… |
…Or perhaps Sops (stale bread in milk) like William Shakespeare? |
Or you may want to go the route of Winston Churchill and have poached egg, cold meats, toast and grapefruit. |
If you don’t even fancy any of these, you can find another 20 great breakfast recipes from the likes of (amongst others) Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, Amelia Earhart, First Men On The Moon, even Barack Obama!
Me, I will definitely be trying some of the recipes featured, and who knows, maybe you, I or a special unprivileged child may be one of the next greats to go down in the history books!* So go on, what are you waiting for?
The ebook is free to download but a £2.50 donation is suggested, as the Government will match all donations to the Break… Fast appeal up until the 30th June 2014. Your donation could be enough to support breakfast for an African child for an entire month!
*Probably not me.
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