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Most of us lucky enough to have a garden really value the space as a nice place to relax and get some fresh air, but at the same time, a lot of us don’t naturally have the gardening bug and find looking after our gardens a chore. It doesn’t have to be that way – there are so many things you can do to make your garden much more manageable…
Increase the frequency of lawn care
Gardens, lawn, and turf go hand in hand, but a lot of people really hate maintaining their lawns. Well, there’s some good news and bad news about that; the good news is that there is something you can do to make lawn maintenance more manageable, but the bad news is that the thing that will help most is looking after your lawn more often. It’s obvious really, but mowing the lawn more often will mean that it never gets out of control, which means the job can be over and done within no time at all with very little effort. Once you’ve tackled the jungle, it shouldn’t take more than a few minutes to keep it neat and tidy, well unless you have acres of land to deal with of course, and if that’s the case, having someone come in to do it for you may be preferable!
Get rid of some greenery
It’s your plants, shrubs and lawn that take up all of your time and effort in the garden, so one way to make it more manageable is to hardscape a larger area of your outdoor space. Laying a patio, creating paths or pebbled areas, and minimising areas of wild growth is a great way to have a pretty garden without all of the hard work. Obviously, you shouldn’t get rid of all the greenery in your garden, but if you can plant flowers and shrubs in pots instead, they will be easier to care for and you won’t have to worry about getting your hands dirty so often.
Create a wildflower meadow
Alternatively, you could turn your green space into a wonderful wildflower meadow, which you can simply plant and leave to flourish. It’ll look beautiful. Attract birds, bees and butterflies in their droves, and require very little input from you. It’ll also be one of the most colourful gardens in your neighbourhood which is never a bad thing!
Use self-watering pots
Self-watering pots and planters contain a reservoir of water which can be filled and which will slowly feed plants and flowers so that they never run dry (providing your periodically refill the reservoir) which means you never have to worry about watering your precious plant’s and flowers, but they will still get all of the water they need. They’re great for keeping the garden in good shape when you go on holiday too.
Turn it into a Zen garden
Of course, you could go the whole hog and turn it into a beautiful, but very much barren Zen garden – just a thought!
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