Our favourite five - September

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I’m rather late with our favourite five for September. We’ve all been poorly on & off for the last couple of weeks, so I haven’t been blogging as much and now I’m desperately trying to catch up. Other posts have had to take priority, but finally, here it is.

September was quite an exciting but nerve wracking month with Jacob starting school. With him being at school during the week and The Husband working at weekends, we haven’t really been able to do much as a family. It has been easier for me to blog during the day though – when I’m not feeling unwell, obviously!

Without further ado, here are our favourite five for September:


No, not me – I very rarely do that anymore! It would be nice though. This one was for a friend of the boys’, and the day before Jacob started school. I must admit, it was nice to get out and just let them run around and burn off some energy out of the house for a couple of hours! Their friend had a street dance party so it was a bit different for them too.

Ready to party

Starting school

After me dreading it for weeks, Jacob finally had his last day at nursery the week before starting school. It was kind of bittersweet for me as he had been going for almost three years, and the staff and his key worker had been amazing with him through the behaviour difficulties we had with him a while back. His first day of school came around quickly, and he looked so grown up in his uniform! He did have a difficult first couple of weeks, but soon settled in.

First day of school


Once again this year, I’ve really enjoyed taking part in the #GBBOBloggers2016 bake along with Jenny at Mummy Mishaps. I’m loving the new categories they have introduced this year as it’s given me a kick up the bum to experiment more! I’m gutted about the move to C4 next year though with most of the crew leaving the show! Anyway, my favourite bake from September had to be these chocolate & salted caramel whirls. Salted caramel is my absolute favourite. I could actually eat one right now!

Chocolate and salted caramel whirls

Watching our garden grow

I posted a couple of month ago about the garden makeover we have been doing since we moved in. September was a really good month for watching our garden grow. Our sunflower reached amazing heights – I would say around 7ft as The Husband is 6ft and it was quite a bit taller than him! I’ve had a good crop of tomatoes and peppers too, and was quite proud of myself that I actually managed to grow some – I’ve never been very good at growing before!

Tall sunflower

Home grown cherry tomato



Noah is an absolute pain for unfastening his car seat straps as he still uses the harness. He often does it while we are travelling and so we have to stop the car to fasten him back up. We were sent a StrapStop and it has made our car journeys so much less stressful, not to mention quicker. He does still unfasten his harness but no matter how much he tries, he cannot get the StrapStop open. It clips simply across the harness, above the buckle, so even if the harness is unfastened the child still can’t get out of the seat. It would also be handy for keeping backpacks on when out & about, and in pushchairs too. For £14.99 and less stress, and of course the safety aspect, it is well worth the investment if you have an escapee!

StrapStop in place

What did you enjoy during June?

Linking to –
#OurFaveFive with Suburban Mum

I was sent the StrapStop free of charge to review. All thoughts and opinions are honest & my own.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Ah it looks like you’ve had a busy month – now you are on school schedules it will be like that every year I guess! We found it hard this year with a Year 1 and a preschooler starting. Your boys looks so cute in their party outfits and those treats you baked look lush! x #OurFaveFive

  2. What gorgeous photos 🙂 A street dance party sounds like a lot of fun!

    Stevie x #OurFaveFive

  3. Street Dance party sounds like a lot of fun! The chocolate and salted caramel swirls look absolutely delicious – can you send some my way please!

    I’m glad that Jacob has settled into school – he looks gorgeous in his uniform! Thanks for linking up to #OurFaveFive xx

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