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This came from another blog, who got the idea from a magazine where they do a “Best of” section where a well-known person answers some questions. I enjoyed reading this over there so thought I would give it a go, why don’t you give it a go too on your blog?! You could even do it on your Facebook page! 

Best Compliment – I think it would have to be a selection of compliments from other people on how much weight I have lost and how much better I look! (I don’t mind them saying that last part as I know I do!)

Best Weekend – I think would have to be our 2nd wedding anniversary weekend in the Lake District, we had a lovely evening by ourselves and then spent the following evening with friends (who I met on a wedding forum) who we met “in real life” for the first time, we had a very fun evening!

Best Kept Secret – It would have to be the first few few weeks of my pregnancy! (Apart from the people on the forum I’m part of, those who saw on my blog and my LTTTC friends I told beforehand – there were still a lot of poeple it was a big shock to!

Best Meal – We haven’t really been to many posh restaurants, but I think it would have be the meal we had at Fat Olives in the Lake District last year! After every mouthful from both of us was an ‘mmm’!

Best Friend – I don’t really have a ‘best friend’ any more, but I do have a few very close friends. If I had to say someone it would be my husband.

Best Book – I only really got back into reading this year, and I can’t remember many books that I read years ago, so none really stick out. So I would say at the minute ‘My Story’ by Dave Pelzer (a trilogy of his first 3 books).

Best Decision – Soppy I know, but agreeing to marry my husband!

Best Job – I haven’t really had that many jobs, only to keep me going through college and Uni, and they were only in pubs etc. so nothing to write home about! I would say the job I do from home at the minute, making & selling cupcakes.

Best Lesson – To never give up on your dreams. Many a time I have felt like giving up but kept pushing, and I’m part way there (When I actually hold my baby in my arms I think I will be able to say I fully got there!)

Best Moment – Apart from getting married, I would have to say finding out I was pregnant! I just can’t describe how amazing it felt.

Best Gift – I can’t think at the moment so will have to say at this moment, probably my first laptop that hubby bought me to go away to Uni with! Bless him!

Best Way to Relax – A nice warm bath with lots of bubbles, candles and a book.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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