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There are a wealth of benefits of living in the countryside; the unbeatable fresh air, the rolling hills and dense trees as far as the eye can see, and the tranquility that comes with being away from the hustle and bustle of busy city life. Whilst you take in all of nature’s beauty around you, it’s hard not to want to be more eco-friendly. After all, you form an indescribable connection with the world around you, and preserving it should be at the top of your list.

But how can you be more eco-friendly when you live in the sticks? We’ve put together some top tips for those looking to give their rural locations something back.

Eco-Friendly Living In The CountrysidePexels – CC0 Licence

Shop locally

One of the brilliant things about the countryside is that there is farmland everywhere. Whatever you want to buy, it’s more than likely that you can get your hands on it from one of the local farm shops, butchers, or fruit and veg shops. Not only does this support local businesses in your area – which is, of course, key – but it also means that the produce that you buy hasn’t been sent around the country, or worse still, the world. Buying local is always advised if you want to do your eco-friendly bit!

Make a compost heap

With so much waste going to landfill each year, it’s easy to see why many people living in the country decide to have their own compost heaps. Whether you want to buy a compost bin or make your own simple one out of pallets, it’s pretty easy to start composting, and do your bit for the local wildlife and the planet. You can compost fruit and veg, teabags, grass cuttings, paper and cardboard (which will keep the air flowing to the heap), but avoid throwing on meat and dairy products.

Collect and reuse water

Water wastage is becoming a major threat to the environment, and you don’t need to use water from your tap or hose to keep your garden on top form. Water butts help collect rainwater, and this can be used to clean your car, water plants, and uphold general irrigation needs. Not only will this lessen your carbon footprint, but it will also save you money, and it’s ideal if you’re looking to become as self-sufficient as possible in your country home. Look into your options here, and the ways in which you could benefit.

Grow a vegetable garden

Whilst shopping local is ideal if you want to help the environment, growing your own food is hugely beneficial too. Starting a small vegetable garden will be good for your mental health, it allows you to connect to the world around you, and you’ll have some tasty food that you know has been grown with love and care. Tomatoes, lettuce, potatoes, courgette and beans are all common staples of vegetable gardens, and you can also try your hand at a herb garden if you’re an avid chef.

vegetable, hand holding vegetablePexels – CC0 Licence

Use eco-friendly appliances

Of course, the things that we use every day – kettles, fridges, washing machines, light bulbs – are the main offenders where harming the planet is concerned. When you’re shopping for appliances for your home, really look into the environmental credentials that they boast. Whilst you may have to splash out a little bit of extra money to begin with, you will see the returns of doing this when it comes to paying your bills, so don’t be put off. There are plenty of sites out there that give a run down of eco-appliances!

Walk where you can

Unfortunately, many people who live out in the sticks do have to drive to get to the nearest supermarket. You can lessen your environmental impact by only going shopping once every week or so, but it’s also important that you walk wherever you can. If you only need a few items, then walk to the local shop, and avoid the temptation of always driving when you go out. The beauty of the countryside is the scenery that it offers you, so don’t miss out on this and get walking!

Embrace the eco-mindset

Being eco-friendly in your countryside home is something that you can only really achieve if you make the effort to always seek out green products. When you commit to making the switch, you’ll find that there are more solutions out there than you ever thought; from cleaning products to clothing brands, you really can put your money where your morals are. Shifting your mindset, and spending a little bit of extra time whilst shopping looking into the sustainability of your items, will make a huge difference.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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