I recently happened to come across a statement on social media where basically, someone had said that breastfeeding gives you more of a bond with your baby than formula feeding …
formula feeding
Little man N at 1 month old
So it’s time for the first of little man N’s monthly updates (a little lot later than planned…)! I can honestly say that time is going much quicker this time – …
Our breastfeeding journey
Though it may seem trivial to some, this for me is a really hard post to write due to my previous breastfeeding guilt with J. Breastfeeding is something I really …
Home birth, but hospital stay – part 3
You can read part 2 here. Monday 3rd March I was hoping that we would be allowed to go home today, but as little man #2 still wasn’t feeding directly from …
Breastfeeding guilt
Breastfeeding guilt. Something which a lot of women suffer from. I’m one of them right now. I managed 24 hours of breastfeeding with little man. And in my head, that …