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Electric radiators are a popular choice for heating homes across the country. If you lack an alternative central heating system, they are often the most convenient and effective solution to cold nights and an uncomfortable home environment. Rather than deal with a cumbersome gas boiler, electric radiators can heat your home at least as well at a fraction of the installation costs. If you already have a central heating system, electric radiators can provide a much-needed supplement to your current heating regime. But once you have decided upon electric radiators, you might not know which type of radiator to go for. In this blog post, we are going to reveal everything you need to know about choosing radiators for your home.
Slimline Electric Radiators
You are probably most familiar with the types of radiators that used to be found in homes everywhere at a certain period in history. These bulky, hissing metal monsters can still be glimpsed in the occasional old building that has remained unrenovated for several decades. But apart from these rare relics, these huge old cast iron radiators are thankfully a thing of the past. Most radiators nowadays are not only electric radiators, but are slimline electric radiators. Slimline here refers to the look of the electric radiator, being of a narrow depth and having a slim, compact profile. These electric slimline radiators are an increasingly popular option as they are less intrusive than their bulkier counterparts, and are more easily moved and installed. This means you won’t have such a huge task on your hands when figuring out how to rearrange a living room for your new radiators. In the past, a slimline radiator meant a radiator with little heat output, or an inefficient function. Due to innovations and developments in radiator technology, this is no longer the case, and slimline wall mounted radiators can now function just as well as larger models. The miracle of the modern age means that you can purchase a radiator that doesn’t take up too much of your living room, but that still heats the space well at a low cost.
What Are Storage Radiators?
Another term that you will often hear within radiator installation sector, is storage radiator. But what are storage radiators and what are they storing? The answer is, of course, heat. A radiator commonly radiates heat, hence the name, but a storage radiator can also save a portion of the heat created to radiate it later. In doing so, the radiator will not be constantly consuming fuel or electricity, and will instead be able to spend time heating offline, after the fashion of a hybrid car. Night storage radiators are a common type of energy efficient storage radiator. A nighttime storage radiator will store energy at night, to radiate during the day. If the homeowner is on an energy tariff plan like Economy 7, which charges less for electricity at night, they will save money by not having to use too much electricity in the more expensive daylight hours. Such radiators are becoming increasingly more efficient with the addition of new technology and advances in thermostats and materials. Newer electric radiators combine heating and storage and take much less time to reach their operating temperatures. They use much less electricity per hour than older models, leaving a greater amount stored for later use.
Are German Electric Radiators The Best?
When shopping for electric radiators for your home, you might well come across radiators that stress their German origin. You might consider this odd branding, but there are very good reasons why German electric radiators shout about their national origins. That is because German electric heaters are commonly considered the best electric radiators on the market. This is due to the decades of technological innovation and development in Germany that has built a strong capacity to produce state of the art efficient radiators. Many of the latest German radiators that run on electricity use combination technology to make the most of wet and dry radiator technologies. They are often recognisable through their sleek, modern design and their impressive claims to energy efficiency. Some state of the art German models use a combination of convection and radiant heat to distribute heat equally throughout a room. Generally, good quality German radiators are distinguished by their modern designs and state of the art technology. While there are many other good radiator models on the market, if you want to be sure of quality and energy efficiency, it would be best to go with a model than is German in origin.
Choosing Energy Efficient Radiators
Energy efficiency is a predominant theme when discussing radiators and is an important consideration of individuals looking to buy an electric radiator. Shopping for energy efficient radiators has obvious motivations. Of course, energy efficiency is important in that it means less energy is used to heat your home. This is good from an environmental perspective, and many people feel moved towards energy efficiency for this reason alone. But, when it comes to your heating, being environmentally friendly is also good for your energy bill and your wallet. Buying from the range of low energy electric radiators available means that heating your home will cost you less. Even if you buy a state of the art, hyper-efficient radiator that costs a bit more up front, it will save you on energy bills in the future and be cost efficient in the long run. Most energy efficient electric radiators use a heat storage mechanism and the best energy efficient radiators are those that employ state of the art technology to cut costs and deliver on heating function.
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