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As well as cold weather and lots of ice, the winter months will bring a lot more rainfall than what we have seen over the past couple of seasons. Even though rain is often good for our gardens – after all, our lawns and plants need plenty of water to stay alive – there can often be too much of it in winter, and this can cause some problems, such as flooding and waterlogged lawns. Do you want to make sure that all the coming winter rain doesn’t ruin your outdoor area too much? You just need to use these great tips!
Clear Drains And Gutters
If your drains and gutters haven’t been cleaned out in a while, there could be a lot of dead leaves and other garden waste in them that could cause them to be blocked. Any blockages will make it difficult for water to run out of your garden through the drains and gutters, and could pool in various areas in the garden. Ideally, you need to clean out the drains and gutters around every two months so that water can always flow through them easily.
Level Off Sloping Areas
If you have a garden that slopes in areas, you will find that water tends to pool at the bottom of these slopes quite easily. So, it’s a good idea to level off these slopes. You could do so by filling in the slope with plenty of soil and earth and then using garden paving slabs to create a patio area. Decking would also work well to help you make a levelled surface.
Aerate Your Soil
The soil in your flower beds should not be too compact. If it is, it won’t let any water penetrate it, and the water will only be able to pool on top of it. Eventually, the water sitting on top of your soil will increase over time and cause significant flooding. Therefore, you need to aerate the soil. You can do this with a regular garden fork – simply use the fork to turn over the soil and allow more air to get into it. All of this extra oxygen into the soil is also a lot better for root growth, so will encourage better growth in your plants and flowers.
Lay More Drains
Of course, one of the best fixes for your garden to end flooding for good is to lay more drains. This will involve digging up the entire garden, though, which could be costly and very time consuming. Not only that, though, but it will take quite a while for your garden to get back to the condition that it once was, and you will have to spend time replanting a lawn and flowerbeds. But, if you have plenty of time to take care of your garden, then this is probably the best option to prevent flooding for good.
Hopefully, all of these useful gardening tips can help you get your waterlogged garden back to a better condition for good!
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