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It’s a miracle – I’m actually writing our April favourites at the beginning of the following month, instead of the end! Now Noah has started pre-school, I have three mornings a week to get more work done – not that it’s actually happened, mind…
The first week of April was pretty jam packed. Half term had started and The Husband had a week off, so we had a few days out. He was back to work for the second week of half term so it was just me and the boys. We didn’t really go out anywhere (hello anxiety, and disliking taking them out on my own the majority of the time) but we had some fun outside and did some crafts. Then it was back to school for Jacob, and N’s first day of pre-school!
So what did we enjoy during April?
A visit to the National Railway Museum
One of our days out during half term was to the National Railway Museum in York. The boys love trains and with it being free entry and only just over an hour away from us, I decided to add this as our surprise day out. I wasn’t sure I was going to enjoy it, but I actually found it really interesting. It was pretty cool to see some really old trains up close, and learn about the history of them; I spent quite a while looking around an old medical train and was fascinated.
I’m going to write a full review post for this – keep an eye out!
Getting crafty
Thanks to the boys’ new found love of Mister Maker on Amazon Prime, they decided they wanted to make one of his crafts – sponge toast and tissue paper beans! They literally didn’t stop nagging me until we could make it… I sometimes hate doing messy crafts, especially with Noah, as I don’t have much patience for the mess – oops! But, the end product did turn out pretty fab!
Being Easter half term, we also made Easter bonnets, of course.
Noah’s first day of pre-school
I applied for Noah’s funded pre-school place a few months ago ready for when he turned three. That was the beginning of March, so he couldn’t start school until after the Easter half term. We went for a settle in session the week before half term though, and after that he was pretty excited to start! I kept bigging it up to him, as when Jacob first started nursery we had tears for weeks and I didn’t want them with N; or, the least amount possible.
I was so emotional on his first day and wasn’t sure who was going to have the most tears – me or him! In actual fact, he didn’t cry at all. He didn’t even look back for us when we left; so of course, I may have shed a few tears anyway… Partly in relief, partly due to the fact that this is another milestone of him growing up too quickly!
Organix Goodies Fruit Gummies
Even though the boys are now five and three, they still love Organix and ask for the products in the supermarket. The lovely people at Organix recently sent them a box of the new fruit stars, moos, and gummies multipack. The box contains two packs of Blackcurrant Stars, two packs of Raspberry and Apple Moos, and one pack of Strawberry Gummies; all packs are 12g each.
The new multipack is due to research by Organix, showing that parents want flavour variety when choosing healthy snacks for their children. The boys loved all of these, but one thing I would prefer is two packs of each flavour; there may have been arguments over the Strawberry Gummies!
A birthday party
It’s always lovely when the boys get invited to a birthday party, and Jacob has received no end of invites since he started school! The latest party was one of their little friends from the village though, and his Mummy did a great job. They both loved the bouncy castle complete with a slide – a bouncy castle is always a winner in their eyes!
What did you enjoy during April?
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I think my boys would have loved the Railway Museum too! The crafts looks great too – I never have the patience for crafts at home and when we do decide to do something they get bored halfway through and I end up crafting on my own!!!
Yes, that’s basically what happened to me!! Lol