
Slimming World weigh in #48 – the one with a loss again…and a non scale victory!

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So after my last couple of weigh ins I was really disappointed with myself as I was just so out of the zone and I knew I absolutely needed to get back on track. Last week was okay and I was mainly on it, but my head just wasn’t completely back in the game as I had a Subway breakfast sub on Saturday and I have had the odd few biscuits here & there (damn those favourite custard creams! Unfortunately there aren’t any biscuits I don’t like…). I had been a lot better than the couple of weeks over Christmas though when I gained almost half a stone.

Brushing that aside, I finally had another non scale victory when I hit the sales and bought a pair of jeans, a dress, a shirt, a pair of pyjamas, and a coat, all in a size 12! I haven’t been a size 12 for around ten years – close to it, but not quite – but now I can! So it just goes to show that’s it’s not always about the number on the scales. I haven’t measured myself for at least six months either so I really need to do that, to see how many inches I have dropped over the last year.

One more thing I wanted to share, it’s just passed my one year anniversary since I first joined and I am so so happy that I plucked up the courage to go to that first meeting, as Slimming World has truly changed my life forever.

#transformationtuesday So I got my #SlimmingWorld joining date wrong last week and it’s actually a year today that I joined, but anyway… Like many others, I have kept my ‘fat’ jeans and I decided to try them on as I haven’t since I started SW. These are jeans I was wearing way before pre babies and I lost some weight on my own before that (3.5st, but gained 2.5st back with pregnancies), but prior to starting #sw I wasn’t far off being back in them. These are a size 20 and I was an 18 when I joined. It has been a long journey with many obstacles along the way, but I am finally heading to where I want to be. I am truly astonished looking at these photos and I can’t believe the one on the left is me, I never want to go back there 😳 #slimmingworlduk #sw #swuk #swfamily #swfriends #swmafia #swsupport #weightloss #weightlossjourney
A photo posted by Stacey (@staceyg_sw_nobodysaidblog) on

So this week I went to weigh in desperately hoping for a loss. As I said, I had still been a bit off plan but not as much as over Christmas & New Year so even if it was a gain again, it shouldn’t have been as big as the last couple of weeks. I was quite relieved when I stepped on the scales to see a 1lb loss – only another 5lb until pre-Christmas weight…

My stats for this week (week 48):

  • starting weight – 13st 4.5lb
  • previous weight – 10st 8lb
  • current weight – 10st 7lb
  • loss this week – 1lb 
  • loss so far – 2st 11.5lb
  • Club 10 target weight – 11st 13.5lb
  • final target weight – 9st 7lb

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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1 Comment

  1. Well done on your loss I bet it is not long until you have lost that xmas weight. That transformation photo is really inspiring, you have lost so much weight! I bet that it was the best feeling being able to buy size 12 clothes. I have just rejoined Slimming World and I am determined to stick to it and lose the weight this time xx

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