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I haven’t always been a fan of olives. I still can’t eat them on their own, but I don’t mind if they are served with something else. I don’t eat them often either but after being introduced to the Olive It! recipe book then they might be a more regular inclusion in my food choices.

There are some really delicious looking recipes inside that I would have never thought to try before, for example the red-hot tapenade manchego whirls (I was sold on cheese), olive and tuna pate, and olives with mango, melon and pomegranate (yummy). Olives on their own are super healthy but paired with the ingredients in this book they are really super food recipes.

There are not just recipes within this book. It also includes information on the history of olives, olives in the modern day, and nutritional & health information about olives. If you or someone you know is an olive fan then I am pleased to be able to offer you the chance to win 1 of 20 Olive It! recipe books! All you need to do is enter via the Rafflecopter below, and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Open to UK residents 18 & over.
Entries must be received by 11.59 pm on 04/1/2016.
The winners will be drawn randomly via Rafflecopter/ when the giveaway has ended.
The winners email addresses will be sent to the PR who will be contacting you and sending out your prize.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. I love putting them in my lasagne and also with cheese xx

  2. I like eating them with salad

  3. Apart from olive oil, I like to enjoy them in a Greek salad

  4. With cream cheese on ryvita 🙂

  5. I love eating olives on pizza.

  6. on a pizza but im open to some healthier ideas

  7. Just as they are

  8. We love olives stuffed with sun dried tomatoes!

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