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So, as it was with J’s last update, it’s been a while since I last posted one for N too – which was his 1 year 3 month old one so a couple of months ago now. Since then he has really transformed into a proper little toddler and forever left babyhood behind! Though J still calls him his little baby N, bless him 🙂
He’s slowly growing out of his bed time milk too; he often doesn’t finish the bottle and instead just fights sleep, he’s just like his big brother in that respect. He loves his milk on his cereal in the morning though! He is still an absolute gannet and stuffs his face all day long, constantly making a mess…though he is starting to level out a bit now and is losing his baby fat. I love him chubby though! He definitely knows what he wants these days as he’s started pointing and saying ‘that’ – now just to practice please and thank you! One thing he does love to do is pick blackberries at Grandad’s (soon to be our home too), and he is so clever as he knows which colour to pick.
He has really found his feet now and can just about grasp running, though it is usually after his brother when he’s taken something he wants! Speaking of wanting what J has, he really does want to be just like him too. He even gets J’s pants from his drawer and tries putting them on which is quite funny to watch! He helps when getting him dressed now, with lifting his arms, legs, and feet up, and he fetches his shoes too when he knows we are going out; that is as well as climbing in the pushchair himself, he’s certainly an eager beaver!
Also on the animal theme… He is also a proper cheeky little monkey. He is obsessed with climbing – whether it be on the windowsill, the table, the back of the sofa, the TV unit, the tumble dryer door, attempting the side of his cot – he just will not stop! He is a little tease too, he will fetch something for you, hold it out, then snatch it away again with a grin and a chuckle when you go to get it. But it is so flaming adorable!
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