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Day 144 / May 24th
We were at my father-in-law’s for tea today and after being up at stupid o’clock and being out in the fresh air, the boys were shattered and asleep when we got home. I captured this sleeping beauty…

Day 145 / May 25th
I felt really under the weather today and spent some of the afternoon in bed when hubby got home from work so we had a lazy quick tea tonight, yummy though.

Day 146 / May 26th
We’ve recently been testing a prototype of the fabulous Doddl cutlery and J fancied using it to feed his little brother his breakfast today.

Day 147 / May 27th
I rarely get sleepy cuddles from N any more as Daddy puts him to bed so I make the most of it while J is at nursery. I will miss these baby days.

Day 148 / May 28th
I felt ill yet again today so I had a Slimming World ready meal, the Singapore noodles. It was yummy but I had to force myself to eat it because of feeling unwell. I’ve kept the recipe to make it myself though.

Day 149 / May 29th
We had to make an emergency dash to the shop this morning but it wouldn’t stop raining so J finally got to use his new minion umbrella.

Day 150 / May 30th
J has been going on about these minion shorts for ages (yes, he’s a little obsessed with minions!) and he chose the Olaf ones out for N; they were treated by their Uncle so now they are holiday ready!

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Aww the sleeping beauties photos are so cute. Love the minions brolly and shorts!

    1. Hehe, thanks! 😀

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