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Day 32 / February 1st
We were at my brother-iin-laws for tea today and he had some yogurt lollies – N wanted a taste of my citrus one and this was his reaction!

Day 33 / February 2nd
J has a thing at the minute of shoving toys down his onesie – this is what he produced for me today!

Day 34 / February 3rd
We were at Fit Tots today and J wanted to walk home in the snow. I love this photo.

Day 35 / February 4th
N will rarely nap at home any more, it’s usually either in the pushchair or the car.

Day 36 / February 5th
A few days late but I finally managed to get his 11 month photo!

Day 37 / February 6th
I took these to cake club today – Reese’s peanut butter cupcakes. They were a-ma-zing.

Day 38 / February 7th
N decided he didn’t want to go to sleep tonight so he watched The Voice instead before falling asleep. I just noticed this little curl today too – it’s going to end up like his brothers’ I think.

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. wow Stacey how big does N look these days .. he seems to have shot up! 🙂 … those cakes look delicious!

    1. He really has – don't know where my little boy has gone! thanks! 😀

  2. Lovely pics, especially Little N's lovely smile on his 11 month photo.
    And those cakes look very tempting 🙂

    1. Thank you – so happy I managed to catch that smile!

  3. Love his minion wellies!!!

    1. They're so cool aren't they?!

  4. Oh wow! Those cupcakes do look amazing!! YUM!!

    1. Thank you – they were so delicious!

  5. Aaah those cakes looks very yummy! Lovely pics too xx

    1. They were, thank you!

  6. love the smiley face in his 11 months photo – such a cutie and i also love your othert by standing in ths snow he looks so happy. mmmmm look at those cakes x

    1. Thank you 🙂

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