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(One more week!)
Day 348 / December 14th
Today we decorated salt dough and I painted these Santa’s, made from the boys’ hands – quite pleased with them!
Day 349 / December 15th
We went on an outing today with the other parents and children of a course we’ve been on for the last couple of months; we visited Normanby Hall and then Brigg Garden Centre.
Day 350 / December 16th
This was the only photo I managed to take today – Buddy having a boogie with his friends.
Day 351 / December 17th
There’s a first time for everything! Including falling asleep in your highchair during your lunch!
Day 352 / December 18th
N has recently taken an interest in the washing machine!
Day 353 / December 19th
Believe it or not, my first ever Costa Christmas cup… Hubby treated me to a gingerbread latte, yummy.
Day 354 / December 20th
Today was the Secret Santa exchange day for a forum I am a member of – I love this tin and I can’t wait to try the cocoa and especially the peppermint crunch!
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I love the Santa salt dough decorations – we did these with O aged 18 months and it goes up on our tree every year 🙂 looks like you've had a great week! x
Loving the top two photos, Sata salt dough hands and that lovely photo gazing up at the tree
You can buy peppermint crunch?! I've always wasted candy canes by smashing them up! Love your decorations and wondering what has caught your little man's eye on the tree branch?! Happy Christmas! 🙂 x
Awwww love babies sleeping instead of eating, I miss those days.
Love the Costa cup I've that one in a ceramic mug as a birthday present
Lovely pictures, the one asleep in the highchair is so cute! Hope you have a lovely Christmas x #project365
Thanks for linking up to Project 365.