So here I am, into week 2 of my new (and hopefully final!) weight loss journey. I’ve been slacking a bit more this week than I did last week. The beginning of the week went okay, and then I missed one day of tracking and it went a bit downhill from there. It always happens. I wouldn’t say I ate much more than I usually do when I strictly log, but I maybe had a few extra nibbles that may have taken me over my calories. Also I had one or two emotional days where I just couldn’t stop eating – I hate being an emotional eater. The new Monday weigh-in seems to be doing the trick though as I haven’t pigged out over the weekend.

Exercise wise, same as week one – not a lot! Mainly walking, pushing both boys in the double pushchair. We’re going away next week so when we come back, N will have turned 6 months and I hope everything will be back to normal, so I can start doing some calorie burning workouts again – if I can find the time as J doesn’t nap!

Here are my week 2 stats:

  • start weight – 203.6 lbs
  • target weight – 132 lbs
  • previous weight – 181.2 lbs
  • current weight – 183 lbs
  • weight loss this week – 1.8 lbs GAIN
  • weight loss to date – 20.6 lbs
  • weight loss to go – 51 lbs
Yes, so I had a gain of 1.8 lbs. I wasn’t surprised, to be honest, after not tracking for a few days. Though I was expecting it to be more, as it usually ends up being so, I was pleasantly surprised. I must not go off a tangent this week!
How is everyone else doing?


I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Sorry to hear you have gained. Seems unfair to put weight back on for just a few days of overindulgence. It's difficult to exercise when children are small. I used to push H round in a buggy until he was 4 which helped me, but not all children will tolerate that.

  2. Just wanted to let you know that we run a weight loss link up every wednesday Also we're both from Lincolnshire!(found you from the PR shout out I added on FB that you replied to)Bel x

    1. Oh that's great! I will check the linky out, thanks 🙂

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