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Independence is something which every child will gain as they are growing.

They obviously start to gain it in stages at a few months old – sitting, rolling, crawling, walking, feeding themselves.

At 2 years old, little man J has gained so much independence, so quickly, recently.

He doesn’t like it if you do a lot for him, and he will have a bit of strop until you put things back as they were and let him do it for himself.

(If you have read the blog recently, unfortunately this independence hasn’t gotten as far as the toilet yet!).

The first time I really saw his independence coming through was when Daddy went to get him down from his seat at the table (as usual) and when he was out, he screamed and kicked until Daddy put him back and he got down himself. He was as proud as punch with himself!

Since he has been attending nursery he has become really independent.

He gets in & out of his car seat and the car by himself.

He will take his own dinner to the table, and take his plate away.

He won’t let you open the lid to his huge toy box (again, strops if you do).

He asks to wash his hands rather than telling him to.

He gets out of the bath himself.

And just the other day he took his shoes off all by himself for the first time – unfastened the Velcro, and slipped them off.

Though he is getting more independent, it also means he’s growing up.

Way. Too. Quick.

(Not quite independent here yet!)


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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. It is amazing how fast they seem to grow once they start doing things for themselves isn't it? It is great that they want to get themselves dressed or put their own shoes on, but when you are in a rush I kind fo just want to do it for them so we can be out before lunch lol x

    1. Oh yes I totally get that! 😀

  2. Aw I think the independence stage is lovely!! Altho its so true, they grow up so fast!! 🙂

  3. It's great when their independence shines through, but I know how hard is to not rush to help them. Lovely post. Thanks for linking up again, Stacey. #FamilyFriday

  4. It's amazing how quickly they grow up sometimes isn't it? Definitely hard to let them have the independence they crave sometimes though. Dropping by from Magic Moments.

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