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We had a good week last week and stuck to the meal plan! I’ve noticed every week is looking quite similar at the minute, so from next week I’m going to be getting my cookbooks out and being a bit more adventurous. They are a bit ‘samey’ at the minute as little man is currently going through a fussy toddler phase, so if he doesn’t eat what we give him it’s either nothing, or toast!
Meal plan for w/c 28th July:
Monday – Vegetable stir fry (I ordered a stir fry box for our fruit & veg delivery last week so had lots of lovely veg to use)
Tuesday – Burgers with sweet potato wedges
Wednesday – Chicken tikka masala (using a meal kit from one of my foodie penpals)
Thursday – Jacket potatoes with various fillings (it’s jacket potato night on a Thursday as it’s the day before weigh in – sure I can find something else to suit though!)
Friday – Fish Friday! Cod with homemade chunky chips
Saturday – Out for our monthly visit to my Mum’s
Sunday – Sausage, mash, & onion gravy
Joining in with At Home With Mrs M.
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All sounds like good home made grub to me x