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So it’s official.
No more babies for us.
I’ve taken the steps for it to be so, as the temptation would otherwise be there.
Not long after N arrived, I started selling off my maternity clothes on a well known auction site. They have practically all gone now.
I’ve started sorting out J’s old clothes into what to keep for N, and any that N outgrows are being sorted for what to sell or give away and what to keep for a memory quilt in the future.
As N outgrows the baby items (such as the swing) they are being sold too.
The latest step is contraception (as I never got that far before falling pregnant with our angel). Obviously we have decided no more babies in the foreseeable future so this was the most important thing. I have decided on the mirena coil as I am rubbish with tablets so the pill would have been no good for me. My appointment is next week.
All of this does make me quite sad, as I would love to extend our family (and I love being pregnant, I often have bump envy) but it’s just not feasible right now.
I openly admit I also wouldn’t be able to cope with 3 this close together!
My head overruled my heart this time.
Maybe at some point in the far future (when both boys are at school!).
But not right now.
My boys are my world.
My own little piece of the world.
When did you decide to have no more babies, that your family was complete?
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I read your linked post, I'm sorry you went through that, it must have been so hard to deal with x
I had my first four kids in a 5 year period. My son's pregnancy was really hard on me as the way his cord was attached if he moved and tugged it the placenta would come away a tiny bit and make me bleed. So after that I was done. I didn't want any more.
Fast forward almost six years later, I turned 30 and decided I needed to have one more. I really am done this time. It still feels a little sad saying that but my family is truly complete. #FamilyFriday
It's never an easy decision to say no more kids, even for a short time. I think I said it after every birth, and we ended up with four in total. My youngest is about to turn 8, my stepson is 7 and I only recently had "the snip" to make sure there's no more now. Thanks for linking up again #FamilyFriday
I had two girls with only 16 months between them and we decided our family was complete until 9 years later when it occurred to me that if we didn't have another one then, we probably never would so we had our youngest girl. She really did complete our family as we could not afford to have any more and then it turned out that medically I can not have any more so the decision was sealed for me. I do often think of having more children but realistically I know that we would not of been able to cope with any more so I know things have worked out for the best. #FamilyFriday