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May 25th / Day 145
I love this one (even though it has a blur from N’s ever moving hands!) as I love seeing my boys being all loving when J is in a good mood (!).

May 26th / Day 146
We went to visit friends for the afternoon/evening and we took the kiddies to the park. I love this shot I got of J.

May 27th / Day 147
Love this sleeping bag that came pre-loved from his second cousin – he just looks too cute in it!

May 28th / Day 148
Right. What happened here you ask?! I was in the living room trying to get N to sleep and J was in another room being unusually quiet. I thought he was in his bedroom playing or reading, and then he came wandering into the living room smelling of my Lush comforter and all glittery. Oh sh!t! I didn’t even dare go and look in the bathroom, but when I plucked up the courage this is what I found!

May 29th / Day 149
On my attempting to be a little more healthy mission (which isn’t going very well half of the time) we had pork steaks with home made honey mustard dressing, sweet potato Acrifry wedges, and spinach for dinner.

May 30th / Day 150
I’ve finally dragged the 3-6 month clothing of J’s out of hiding, and I found these – N’s first time in dungarees!

May 31st / Day 151
We had a sleepover at Nanna’s last night and J decided to drag himself out of bed at 5.20am this morning! This is what happened when we went shopping this afternoon… N held his hood the whole way around, bless him!
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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Those sleepsuits are so great for babies and I love the classic arms out position. Funny how we all lose that with age

    1. How true! 😀

  2. oh dear your poor stuff!! its the one things i hate but it seems every child does it at least once x

    1. He won't stop going in there but I'm more alert now! Argh, kids! 😉 x

  3. Love Day 146, beautiful photo. Lovely shots of your boys together too, especially the hood holding one 🙂

    1. Thank you 🙂 Think I'm going to get 146 put on canvas 🙂

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