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N turned 8 weeks old on Saturday, so yesterday he was booked in to have his first lot of vaccinations. As I did with J, I was dreading it, though I think they upset me more!
First though we had to see the doctor for his check up. When I laid him on the couch for her she exclaimed “He’s tall isn’t he!” as he filled the whole width! He is tall though, just like his Daddy and big brother. She was happy with everything and how he is growing, though she said she was going to give me a prescription for a cream (Timodine cream) for his nappy rash which won’t seem to disappear (and another prescription for Calpol to give him after his injections). When she’d finished we went back to sit down at her desk whilst she filled his red book in, and he started crying a little so I cuddled him to get him to sleep as he was tired. She said “Are you sure he isn’t hungry?” and I replied that he was just tired as he’d only just been fed, but then she said it again so I got his bottle out just to satisfy her (groan). As expected though, he just pushed it away! I cuddled him some more and he quietened down and started closing his eyes. “Oh you were right” she said, “It seems Mum’s really do know best”; – yes they do, fancy that!
We had to go and wait back out in reception before his injections as the nurse was still with someone else. He was asleep so I was hoping that he wouldn’t really notice when she put the needle in. Before she gave his injections in his legs, she gave him an oral liquid – this was new to me as it was only introduced last year so J never had it (the same with the Calpol prescription). He wasn’t keen at first and crinkled his face but then he must have thought it was food and he complied! Then it was time for his legs. I’d dressed him in a loose legged romper so I didn’t have to disturb him too much afterwards. I held him to me and in went the needle – he really did not like it, poor baby! I soothed him though whilst she prepared the second one and he calmed down. Then came the next one. He screamed so much more than with the first one and it did bring a tear to my eye. He wouldn’t settle so I gave him his bottle and he eventually calmed down and went back to sleep.
When we got home I gave him some Calpol when he woke up as he was fairly grumpy. He slept most of the day but had perked up a bit by evening and was giving me lots of smiles and chatter. Today he has slept a lot though so they must kicking in again.
Now I will just await the appointment for his next ones…
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Great post – I used to hate having to take the kids to have their injections, especially at an age where they don't understand what's going on. Thanks for linking up #FamilyFriday