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Wednesday 5th February – 37w
I am term! Eviction proceedings will commence shortly. And I’m just the usual tired & achy.
Hiccup placements last night were feeling like baby was going to burst out there & then though.
I also weighed myself today – I haven’t done very often this pregnancy as I am making better choices than last time, but I still like to know how I am going every so often. I’ve gained 19 lbs so far, which is 10 lbs less than the total I gained with little man, so I’m pleased.
Thursday 6th February – 37w 1d
The midwife rang this morning to sort out about bringing my gas & air for my home birth. It was supposed to be coming tomorrow. When I was shopping this evening I had another call saying that the gas & air would be delayed as they would like me to see the consultant first to see if it was okay, because of my BMI & the fact I was on fluoxetine at the beginning of my pregnancy. She left this as a voicemail as I missed the call so I got myself in a right state thinking that I wouldn’t be able to have one now. I rang her back to get more information and she said that they as a team don’t see any problems with a home birth for me but they would like me to see the consultant anyway. BUT that even if he said no, they would still let me have one but they would need to come out first to form sort of plan. That made me feel a bit better. So I have an appointment with the consultant next Tuesday.
Friday 7th February – 37w 2d
I’ve really been craving chocolate lately. Baby must need it.
Sunday 9th February – 37w 4d
Today I’ve had mega backache and also period type cramps like the day before I went into labour with little man. Hoping it’s just a false alarm as I really want to wait now until I’ve seen the consultant!
Monday 10th February – 37w 5d
I’ve had those cramps again today…
Tuesday 11th February – 37w 6d
So we saw the consultant today – well, his registrar actually. This was combined with a check up – baby is fine, still 1/5 engaged, good heart rate and I’m measuring 37 weeks. My BP was fine but there was traces in my sample again, though my last one came back fine. The registrar just asked a few questions – she didn’t even ask about my BMI so that obviously wasn’t a concern to them, it was mainly the fluoxetine. She went and had a chat with the consultant and he said it was all OK and I was signed off, yay! The midwife rang me this afternoon to find out what he said, and arranged to bring my gases which were brought promptly this evening! They are currently hiding away in the cupboard… But baby, you can come out whenever you like now!
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