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Wednesday 29th January – 36w
We finally bought baby their first outfit today – well, not so much an outfit but babygro etc. Exciting! Also managed to get another bump photo – it still looks small but it feels gigantic to me! Though I think baby is a bit low today.
Thursday 30th January – 36w 1d
I woke up with really bad heartburn (the worst yet) in the middle of the night so I didn’t get much sleep last night. Though when I did sleep I think I slept funny as I’ve been so achy today.
Friday 31st January – 36w 2d
I had my 36 week MOT with the midwife today. Baby is measuring right on ‘target’ (though looking at the centile chart they have stuck in this time based on what little man weighed, this one is aiming for around 9lb 9oz! Little man weighed 7lb 8.5oz!), the heartbeat was all good, and they are very low down and 1/5 engaged! Regarding me, my BP was fine, though my sample showed I may have a UTI but she said they will ring me if so when the results come back. She also had to do a blood test to check my iron levels but couldn’t get any, she left me with a nice bruise though. I ended up going up to pathology at the hospital in the end. My home birth also looks all set to go and they will ring me next week to let me know when my gas & air, etc. will be delivered!
Saturday 1st February – 36w 3d
We’re having a baby THIS month! (Hopefully!)
Monday 3rd February – 36w 5d
I’ve been an emotional mess today. I’ve been in tears numerous times this morning, little man is just being an absolute nightmare, or maybe I’m just too sensitive at the minute! I also had a conversation with a checkout lady whilst shopping today (I must have looked uncomfortable or something): Her: “Are you ok?”; me: showed her my bump; her: “Oh I see, how long left?”; me: “3 weeks”; her: “Maybe!”. Yeah, thanks for that!
Tuesday 4th February – 36w 6d
Oh man. I’m right at that stage now where I am both physically and emotionally exhausted. I have been in SUCH a bad & upset mood today. I must have literally spent half the day crying. Little man was up at 6.20am so we went in the living room and I did the bad Mummy thing and put the TV on for him while I kept dropping off having a snooze. He has then been a nightmare all morning. Smacking me, kicking me, pulling my hair, throwing toys at me, throwing his (empty) Lego box across the room because I dared to turn Peppa flaming Pig off! I admit I just wanted to run away today as I have been in such a state all day. And then I get told “not long now then the fun really starts!”. [Another] yeah, thanks for that! I know it sounds awful but I’m glad he’s at nursery tomorrow so I get a little rest!
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