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This time last year I was still busy planning for little man’s 1st birthday & party. Now I’m planning for his 2nd birthday (how did that happen?!). I’m not going as overboard this year though, for a couple of reasons. Number one, funds (as just in case you didn’t already know, we’re expecting a baby any day now); which kind of leads on to number 2, that we will have a newborn and I don’t want all the stress on top of getting used to being a family of four. 

We were originally going to have a party at the local soft play but then decided against it as not knowing exactly when this baby will arrive, I could be in hospital then (hopefully not) or not long since given birth and not really want to go anywhere. Which is why we also put off the idea of just going out for a meal with family and close friends. 

Instead we are just going to have a little tea party at home with immediate family. He won’t really know what’s going on anyway, a bit like last year but I just got a little overexcited! We will still have a theme though, of course it has to be Peppa Pig… (though I think I may focus more on George Pig!). I think I will order some sandwiches from here so I don’t even have that to do, and then a few bits of party food from the supermarket – voila! My Mum will be making his cake again, and I’ll probably make a couple of banners for decoration like I did last year. Though he won’t know what’s really happening, I think he will be more than happy with the theme! 

Little man will be at nursery on the morning (and early afternoon) of his birthday so it gives us some time to get things ready, and when he gets home we can have some family time and present opening with just us 4 before everybody else arrives. 

(Next year it will be a joint party!).

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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