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January 19th / Day 19
We got the potty out today. He knows what a wee & poo is, and tells me (sometimes) when he’s done a poo. I think we have some time to go yet but it’s a start!

January 20th / Day 20
I was in baking mode today as I had cupcakes to make to take to our friends tomorrow.

January 21st / Day 21
Little man fancied reading his book upside down whilst I was changing his nappy, as you do…

January 22nd / Day 22
In a bid to get little man to stay in his own bed all night, we bought him a duvet & pillow so it feels a bit more like ours. This is the 2nd day he’s still been in his own bed in the morning.

January 23rd / Day 23
I love taking photos of little man sleeping! He was asleep on my lap so I had to get a photo of his eyelashes, I just love them.

January 24th / Day 24
I had to have a food shot in here. Tonight’s dinner was chicken stuffed with cheese & wrapped in bacon, with homemade jacket wedges and sweetcorn.

January 25th / Day 25
Little man was feeling a bit under the weather this morning so we had snuggles on the sofa, reading stories.

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I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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  1. Aww, he is so cute! Good luck with the potty training!

  2. you have my every empathy when you start that potty training journey! x

  3. Hope little man feels better soon x

  4. Coombe Mill (Fiona)

    Sounds like you are on the cusp of potty training.

  5. Good luck with the potty training – it's so much fun as you know! Love the close-up of the eyelashes, wonderful 🙂

  6. Our grandson is at the 'getting dry' stage too. Although he doesn't like the potty and still protests on the kiddie toilet seat!!
    The upside down reading shot made me smile. Peppa is a favourite of grandson too.

  7. Thank you 🙂 One of the few characteristics he got from me, lol

  8. Little man is somewhat obsessed!

  9. They are beautiful while they sleep.

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