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In the last couple of weeks in my diaries, I have written about how unorganised I feel with this pregnancy. By this stage with little man I was pretty much ready to go. Obviously this time with a toddler to look after too, I haven’t had as much time or energy but I thought it was about time we got something done. 

I think one of the most important things (if not at the top of the list) was deciding on names. As we don’t know what we are having this time, we have had to come up with boys and girls names. After making up a shortlist of names with various meanings, we have finally reached a decision – obviously I’m not going to reveal them now so you will just have to wait!

We are reusing a lot of little man’s stuff, so we haven’t really had to buy an awful lot. The only thing we have purchased is a double pushchair, which I will probably use a single for little man a lot of the time whilst wearing baby, or baby in the pushchair with little man walking, but it is nice to have the option to push them both. I already have a sling from little man, although I will be purchasing another when baby arrives with a voucher I won in an auction last year. 

We will be purchasing a new bed for little man so baby can go in his cot-bed, but we won’t need this until a few weeks after they are born anyway as they will be in the Moses basket (from little man) at first anyway. 

We haven’t purchased any clothes etc. as of yet, though I have sorted out the neutral items from little man and I won a fab little bundle of various items at the end of last year too, so we are pretty much okay until we know the gender. Obviously if its a boy, we have a lot of clothes from little man, but if its a girl I can’t wait to do a bit of girly shopping! 

My birth plan (or preferences) have been done and noted with the midwife. As I mentioned in my last diary, all being well I will be having a home birth. If I do, I would love a water birth so I will be purchasing/hiring a pool when I find out if it is a definite. Oh and also lots of sheets (this will probably be cheap shower curtains as I have been advised!).

I thought I should pack a hospital bag just in case. Plus it will be easier to find all of my things in one place anyway if I have a home birth. I haven’t got around to this yet, though I have started writing a list! (Referring back to the list I had for little man as I seem to have had a brain freeze in this department!).

I’m sure I have still forgotten something though! 

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I’m Stacey, in my mid-late 30’s, from a tiny village (officially a hamlet) in Lincolnshire.

I’m a mum to two handsome boys. They’re both diagnosed autistic but that only makes them different, not less. Barney, a Frenchie x Beagle, is my furbaby. Owner of a husband too!

Blogging about lifestyle and books with a bit of everything else thrown in!

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