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Wednesday 6th November – 24w
Well today is V-Day – happy v-day to us! Makes it seem all the closer now…
I’m also at the time of year when I’m full of cold so I’ve spent the day wishing I could call in sick, no such luck though.
Friday 8th November – 24w 2d
I had a slight ‘episode’ today. I was doing just fine until I went for a shower, and whilst in there I came over all faint & dizzy. I wasn’t going to be long so just carried on, but when I got out I was shaking, felt really warm, and just cried because I felt so unwell. It went away after I had a lie down, but that’s the first time it has happened to me this pregnancy and I got quite worried.
It’s random dream time now. I can’t remember exactly what happened (as per usual) but I remember that I was at a party with family, friends, online friends – just loooooads of people. Suddenly a tiger entered the room. At first it was friendly but then it started chasing me, so I ran out of the door, with people following me. I found a bike and jumped on it and started pedalling for my life (literally!). Luckily I got away but unfortunately it got some of the others. Weird. And random. Yeah.
Saturday 9th November – 24w 3d
It’s that time of year again when the Christmas adverts start showing on the tv, and everybody starts raving about a certain brand’s (initials JL) advert that makes them so emotional and brings them to tears. In theory with all my hormones and being an emotional mess, I should too. But no, as when pregnant with little man, I don’t see the emotional hype. It’s a rabbit and a bear advertising that they sell alarm clocks, so?…
Monday 11th November – 24w 5d
I’ve felt so lethargic today. And sick. And with headache. I spent a lot of the day on the sofa as I just could not be bothered to move. I couldn’t find the energy to cook either so a chippy tea it was!
Tuesday 12th November – 24w 6d
I couldn’t sleep very well last night as I had what sounded like two pigs snoring beside me! So I’m a little tired today…
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