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Okay, so this diary will look a little odd as at my scan I was put back by 3 days, meaning some of this diary is actually during 9 weeks, so it looks like it’s repeated from the last one! Also, I haven’t written an awful lot this week as my mother-in-law passed away so have had a lot on my mind other than recording my diary.
Sunday 28th July – 9w 4d
It’s scan day tomorrow! I’m feeling excited but nervous at the same time.
I’ve also got a teeny tiny bump forming. Well, I have a lot of chub too, but you can see the bump above my belly button, at least!
Monday 29th July – 9w 5d
It was scan day! So glad it was in the morning so we didn’t have any waiting around all day. I’m not going to repeat it all again, so you can find the full story here. As usual, it was such an amazing experience. And as I am not as far on as the midwife said (which I knew I wouldn’t be), we get another scan at the end of the month. We told MIL (who is currently very ill in a hospice) our new due date, and she was over the moon as it is her birthday. She simply said “That’s what I wanted”, which made me rather emotional.
Berry at 9w 5d |
Tuesday 30th July – 9w 6d
MIL is really ill today and we were told she has hours rather than days left now. I just know she was waiting for the news we told her yesterday, so she could go in peace.
Wednesday 1st August -10 w
MIL passed away today. R.I.P to an amazing woman. I told her that we would never let little man forget her, the same going for berry. We will show photos so they always remember.
Thursday 2nd August -10w 1d
I had a phone call from the midwives today about my booking bloods. I have to go back for another blood test as the results showed that although my iron levels were okay, my iron stores were looking low, so they need to pinpoint where so we can rectify it. It makes sense as I was very anemic after little man so maybe they didn’t build right back up again.
Saturday 4th August – 10w 3d
Had such an emotional day today. It’s been exactly 8 months since we lost bean, and coincidentally I am 10+3 today, which was the point at which bean went to heaven. So it has really affected me today.
Also been thinking about MIL a lot, and I think the enormity of it all has suddenly hit me as I have been in tears all night.
Sunday 5th August – 10w 4d
I am SO tired today, I feel like I could fall asleep at any time, anywhere! To be honest it’s probably all my emotions building up. Little man has had a very early night though so at least I’ve had a chance to sit down for more than 5 minutes for once!
Tuesday 6th August- 10w 6d
I’ve had a bit of peace & quiet and relaxation today as little man went out with Daddy to see Grandad. I needed it as like I said on Sunday, I’m so tired lately and starting to feel dizzy again, a lot. My appetite is definitely coming back though!
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