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If you read my post about little man’s birthday party, you will know Iggle Piggle made an appearance! Well actually, I persuaded hubby to don a fancy dress outfit… Well he does say “I’d do anything for my boy”!
After searching & searching, I couldn’t find an adult size one to buy, anywhere, so I thought about renting one instead. I eventually came across this site, Rentamascot based in Bristol, which had the costume to hire at which I thought was a good price, for £37, considering you actually have the costume for 4 days. (I also had to pay £25 for courier delivery & collection, but going by what Royal Mail postage prices have risen to recently, it’s a very good price!). The deposit was also £55, but refundable in case of damage etc., so we got it back when we returned the costume.
I sent the enquiry form crossing my fingers and toes and everything else that it was available for his party date, and yes, it was, so I immediately booked it! They were very prompt with my replies to enquiries too. I hadn’t been so excited in ages; I think I was more excited than the children!
As it was a weekend booking, the costume was due to arrive on the Thursday before his party, and be collected on the Monday afterwards. I was to be given a time frame by the courier, via text, on the day of delivery & collection, and was very happy that these arrived first thing in the morning so I could get on with my day. The courier also did arrive within the timeframe.
When the costume arrived we couldn’t wait to get it out of the box (well, two boxes, his head came in one and his body in the other) and for hubby to try it on. We were a bit afraid that it wouldn’t fit as hubby isn’t the smallest of men (both height and weight wise!) but it did fit, no problem, phew! Though before he put it on we noticed the inside of the zip was a little ripped, but judging by how many people are bound to wear this, I wasn’t too surprised, as I knew we hadn’t done it as it was like that when we got it out of the box.
We hired the deluxe version, which came with lots of sounds on Iggle’s blanket, and of course Iggle’s song! So on party day, I made sure it was set to come on to this one as he walked in the room. On the website there are tips to make sure everything runs smoothly. One of these is to let the children approach the mascot, so as not to scare them, so I stood with Iggle and invited them forward. The majority of them loved it, though I think they were a bit wary & shell shocked at first! We did have a crier though, bless him, but he got lots of cuddles from his Mummy. His little baby sister wasn’t phased by him though!
After his meet & greet, Iggle Piggle said his goodbyes as he had to go back to the Night Garden.
All in all, it was fab service from both the website and the courier company. As well as Iggle Piggle, a variety of other characters can be hired too (Ben 10, Peppa Pig & Spiderman are just a few). Check out the website to find out more.
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