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This month I was paired with the lovely Jessi from Doctorate Housewife, who revealed that she resides in Brussels, Belgium, so I was looking forward to some yummy Belgian treats! Well my wishes came true:
Crisps! I love crisps. These are a new pesto & mozzarella flavour, I haven’t got around to trying them yet but I think I’m going to tonight. The crackers I’m going to try some sprinkled over a potato & bacon casserole like Jessi suggested, and then the rest I will snack on! I had the hazelnut bar of chocolate last night – yum! I’m looking forward to snacking on the chocolate & cranberry flakes, though I can imagine once I open them I might want to eat the whole pack!… The butter vanilla flavouring I think I’m going to use for little man’s birthday cupcakes. And the speculoos biscuits, I’m resisting opening them because I want to try some of the recipes on Jessi’s blog!
Once again another awesome parcel, I can’t wait to see what next month brings!
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