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I made it to 39 weeks.
To be honest, I thought I would, as I was only 1/5 engaged at my 38 week appointment (I was a little confused to be honest, as both the midwife and student said 4/5 engaged when they were having a feel, but in my notes it said 4/5p.!). Anyway, I was still 1/5 engaged on Wednesday when I went to the hospital, but that was only 2 days apart so not too bothered about that. I wish I personally knew a midwife so I could know if he was any more engaged! Though it’s probably best that I don’t, as if he wasn’t then I think I would literally cry a waterfall with my frustration at the minute… Well, if he hasn’t arrived by Sunday then we will find out, as it’s his due date and we have our 40 week appointment.
I haven’t been having many odd dreams recently, but a few nights ago I dreamed that little man was literally sticking his hands & feet out of my belly, which was quite weird! I was hoping it was a sign too, but obviously not…
From my last post, I’m sure you know I’m feeling slightly fed up, but on the bright side, I suppose it’s only 2.5 (ish) weeks at the most until we’ll get to meet him! Positive thinking… (Yeah right!)
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