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Sunday was the 32 week mark for me, my goodness how it’s flying in! 8 weeks (supposedly…) to go.

We got our cotbed over the weekend which BIL very kindly bought for us from a friend, it’s a discontinued one, but it’s the Dorchester by Cosatto, and we very much love it. Husband assembled it yesterday and then we had a few moments just standing looking at it, and yes, I cried! Just imagining our little boy in there in a few months made me quite emotional. We’ve decided on a theme for his room too, which is ‘cute’ cars, after I came across a bargain on our local selling page for a bundle of things from the also discontinued Green Car Blue range from Mothercare – over £150 worth of lovely items for £45! Can’t wait to get it all set up now. 

I’ve had Braxton Hicks occasionally since 26 weeks, but they’re starting to get more regular now, and highly uncomfortable as bump is getting bigger. They kind of take my breath away and whilst being kicked while they’re happening it feels much worse! But it’s all for a very good cause!

I dreamed about little man the other night, as soon as he was born he kind of magically gravitated towards my boob and got to feeding straight away! And, he slept right through the night from newborn and only had a couple of non-smelly pooh-ey nappies a day… I think that dream was slight wishful thinking on my part…

Leaving you with a bump pic from 31+5 (he had either moved or had a growth spurt as I look much bigger than the last one!)

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I’m Stacey, a bookworm (or should that be dragon?!) from a quaint hamlet on the outskirts of Lincolnshire. In my late 30s, I’m a devoted mum to two wonderful boys who are both autistic—a unique aspect that makes them different, not less. I also share my home with my husband and Barney, my lovable Frenchie x Beagle.

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  1. Gosh he has been having his share of the Thornton's hasn't he? Can't believe the difference in the pics!

    Lovely cotbed just had a nosey on google. Seems like just yesterday I looking at lines on sticks!

  2. Yes he has, his fault I've been eating so much chocolate! 😉 

    I know, can't believe how fast it's going now! 

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